I will fan and medal!!! PLEASEA gray-scale digital camera with 1,000,000 pixels takes a picture (the picture is made of 1,000,000 parts and each part has a certain amount of gray). A histogram is made where the data is the amount of gray in each of these parts. The histogram looks bell-shaped with a mean of 125 gray levels and a standard deviation of 15.How many pixels are brighter than 163 gray levels?500010,000160,00050,000

First, let's determine how many standard deviations from the mean the value
(163+1) = 164 is:
 (164 - 125)/15 = 39/15 = 2.6 
 Now using a standard normal table, look up 2.6 to determine the percentage of points that would be that far from the mean. I find a value of 0.49534. Note that is is a half value. So the percentage that will be higher than that will be 0.5 - 0.49534= 0.00466 
 Now multiply by the number of points overall, getting
 0.00466 * 1000000 = 4660 
 So there will be approximately 5000 pixels brighter than 163 gray levels.
general 6 months ago 5438