The total estimated cost of attending a public two-year college in Hasani’s home town last year was $2,265. The cost of attending the college is expected to increase 5% annually. Hasani plans to enter the college this year and attend for 2 years. Which is the best estimate for the total cost Hasani will pay for only his second year?$2,270.66$2,275.00$2,491.50$2,497.16

Hi there! For this question, we will be compounding, because the cost of going of going to college goes up by 5% each year. The formula for compounding is P(1 + r)^t, where P =  starting amount, r = rate, and t = time in years. First, let's add 5% (0.05) to 1. 1 + 0.05 is 1.05. We are talking about how much Hasani will have to pay in his second year. We will raise that number to the 2nd power. 1.05^2 is 1.1025. Now, we will multiply that number by2,265 to find the amount. When we multiply both numbers, we get 2,497.1625 or 2,497.16 when rounded to the nearest hundredth. There. Hasani will pay an estimated cost of $2,497.16. The answer is D.
general 5 months ago 6440