Hans is planting a garden with snapdragons and daisies. The table shows some possible combinations of the two plants. If Hans plants 29 daisies, how many snapdragons will he plant? The equation __ models the scenario. Hans will plant ___ snapdragons.

The table is:

Number of                     Number of
snapdragons, x             daisies, y

11                                  34

12                                  33

13                                  32

14                                 31

From that you can see that starting at (11,34) the daisies, y, decreases, per each unit of snapgragons increase.

=> slope ( -1), point (11,34).

So, using the slope - point equation you find

y - 34 = - 1 * (x - 11)

=> y = - x + 11 + 34

=> y = - x + 45

To plan 29 daisies he needs to plan  y = - 29 + 45 = 16 dragons.

Answer: The equation y = - x + 45 models the scenario. Hans will plant 16 snapdragons.
general 6 months ago 8137