Cyndi bought an extra large pizza, cut into 12 pieces, for today's meeting of the mystery club. She ate 1/6 of the pizza yesterday afternoon. Her brother ate 1/5 of what was left last night. Cyndi knows that she needs 8 pieces of pizza for the club meeting. Help Cyndi figure out if she has ebough pizza left for the meeting.

Cyndi does have enough pizza for the meeting because she ends up 8 slices of pizza left.
She ate 1/6 of the pizza which left her with 10 slices left (she ate two slices of the 12).
Then her brother ate 1/5 of the pizza which means that he also ate two slices (because 1/5 of 10 is 2).
That means she has 8 slices left: enough for her meeting.
general 6 months ago 2494