9 Questions/45 points (x+3)=0The two solutions are and -----------------------------------------------------------------3m(m-4)=0The two solutions are and -----------------------------------------------------------------(r-3)(r+2)=0The two solutions are and -----------------------------------------------------------------3x(2x-1)=0The two solutions are and -----------------------------------------------------------------(4m+8)(m-3)=0The two solutions are and -----------------------------------------------------------------LaTeX: 5t^2=25tThe two solutions are and -----------------------------------------------------------------LaTeX: 4y^2=28yThe two solutions are and -----------------------------------------------------------------LaTeX: x^2=-2xThe two solutions are and -----------------------------------------------------------------A football is kicked into the air. The height of the football can be modeled by the equation LaTeX: h=-16x^2+16x h = − 16 x 2 + 16 x wh ere he is the height reached by the ball after x seconds. Find the values of x when h=0. The two solutions are and seconds. .

You have a lot of questions here, try breaking them up into multiple posts and you may get more responses.

I will help with some.


The solution is just -3.

The two solutions are 0 and 4.

The two solutions are and 3 and -2.

I hope this gets you started in the right direction.

general 6 months ago 4428