This list shows the age at which 43 U.S. Presidents began their terms. 57 61 50 54 54 54 56 54 61 54 48 49 42 51 61 57 68 65 50 51 60 52 57 51 52 47 56 62 69 58 49 56 55 55 43 64 57 64 46 55 51 55 46 Before you can make a frequency table, you need to decide how to set up the age intervals. What is the BEST way to group these ages into six intervals?

The best way to decide the appropriate interval would be to find the range of the numbers. What is the largest minus the smallest? This would be 69-42=27. If you need six intervals you would need to round 27 up to 30 to be able to divide it out evenly and include all of the data. The best intervals would be 41-45, 46-50, 51-55, 56-60, 61-65, and 69-70. This way you are one over and one under the highest and lowest values.
general 9 months ago 2291