at an airport it costs $7 to park for up to one hour and $5 per hour for each additional hour. let x represent the number of hours parked. write the function that modles the cost, C(x), of the parking x hours, where x is an integer greater then 1.

Answer:C(X) = 7 + 5(X-1)Step-by-step explanation:So, the cost for parking from 0 to 1 hour is $7. Then, for one extra hour, from 1 to 2, you have to pay an additional $5. For another hour, from 2 to 3, an extra $5, and so on. So, lets make a quick table:Hours       Cost[0-1]               $7(1-2]               $7+$5(2-3]              $7+$5+$5(3-4]             $7+$5+$5+$5So, for 1 hour the cost is $7, for 2 hours $12, 3 hours $17, 4 hours $22, and so on. We can see a pattern here: the cost for X hours is $7 plus $5 for each hour greater than 1. So we can write the cost function as:C(X) = 7 + 5(X-1)If X=2, 2 hours, the cost is:C(2) = 7 + 5(2-1) = 7 + 5 = 12, so the function fits.Notice that here I used the parenthesis in a (--] form, however, it could also be used in a [--) form. If the last is chosen, 2 hours would cost $17 instead of $12. The function would be C(X) = 7 + 5X.As the statement does not specifies, any of this ways can be used.
general 9 months ago 1938