Tony has $54.60 in his bank account and plans to add to it each week when he gets paid. The total amount of money in his account can be modeled by this equation with y representing the total amount, in dollars, and x representing the time, in weeks, that he has been adding money to the account. y = 23.50x + 54.60 After how many weeks will the total amount in Tony's account be $219.10? Enter your answer in the box.

Total money in Tony's bank account is represented by the equation,

y = 23.50x + 54.60, where x is number of weeks that he has been adding money in the account

If after x weeks, his account balance is $219.10, we can find x using above relationship as:

219.10 = 23.50x + 54.60

=> 23.50x = 219.10 - 54.60
=> 23.50x = 164.50
=> x = 164.50/23.50
=> x = 7

So, after 7 weeks, Tony's account will have $219.10
general 6 months ago 2445