The table shows the prices for games and Bella soccer league. her parents and grandmother attend a soccer game. how much theu spend if they all went together in one car? SOCCER GAME PRICESStudents tickets $6Nonstudents tickets $12Parking $5A. Write an expression that represents the cost of one careful of Nonstudents SOCCER fans. Use x as the number of people who rode in the car and attended the game.__________ is an expression that represents the cost of one careful of Nonstudents SOCCER fans.B. Since there are three attendees, evaluate the expression 12x + 5 for x =3.12(__) + 5= ____+5=____The family spent ____ to attend the game. Please answer

A) 12 times 3+6+5= 47

B) 12(3) +5= 41+5= 46

Okay I'm not 100 percent sure but I honestly think the answer is 47 hopefully I'm right

general 6 months ago 3225