The table below shows the ticket rates for whale watching trips offered by Orca Magic Tours: Age Ticket Price Under 3 years free 3 to 12 years $32 Over 12 years $44 On a certain day, the company took 82 people on whale watching trips. There were 54 children aged 12 and under, of which some children were under 3 years. If x represents the number of children under three years, which equation can be used to find the value of x, where C represents the total amount of money collected from tickets that day? (54 + x)32 + (82 − (54 + x)) ⋅ 44 = C (54 − x)32 + (82 − 54) ⋅ 44 = C (82 + x)32 + (82 − (54 + x)) ⋅ 44 = C (82 − x)32 + (82 − 54) ⋅ 44 = C

Price of the tickets.
Under 3 years free
3 to 12 years $32
Over 12 years $44

Information we know:
1) The company took 82 people on whale watching trips.
2) 54 children aged 12 and under, of which some children were under 3 years. 
3) The number of children under 3 years old is x.
4) C represents the total amount of money collected.

Number of children over 12 years old : (82 - 54)
Amount collected from children over 12 years old : (82 - 54) . 44

Number of children between 3 to 12: (54 - x)
Amount collected from children between 3 to 12 years old : (54 - x) . 32

Total : 
C= (82 - 54) . 44 + (54 - x) . 32 (Answer B)

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