MAJOR HELP NEEDED!Lea knows the following information about the 50 days where she tracked whether she wore a tie and whether she received a compliment on her outfit:-There were 11 days where she neither wore a tie nor received a compliment.-There were 30 days in total where she received a compliment.-There were 16 days in total where she did not wear a tie.Can you help Lea organize the results into a two-way frequency table?

Answer  with explanation:We know that a two-way frequency table is constructed when we have to deal with two variables ( which is also known as a bivariate data)Here we have two variables as wore a tie or not and the second variable is: Received compliment or not.Hence, on the basis of the information provided to us in the question we see that the two-way frequency table is obtained as follows:                                                Wore tie          Do not wore tie     TotalReceive compliment                 25                         5                       30Do not receive compliment       9                         11                       20         Total                                 34                         16                       50
general 9 months ago 3103