The ratio of the areas of the two squares is 25 to 9. The side length of the smaller square is 30 meters. How long is the side length of the larger square? Explain your reasoning

By finding the ratio between the side lengths, we will see that the side length of the larger square is 50m.Finding the ratio between the lengths:First, remember that the area of a square is given by its side length squared.Then, if the ratio between the areas of two squares is:25 to 9The ratio between its side lengths will be:√25 to √95 to 3This means that the larger square has a side length equal to (5/3) times the side length of the smaller square, which we know is equal to 30 meters.Then we have:S = (5/3)*30m = 50mThe side length of the larger square is 50mIf you want to learn more about ratios, you can read:
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