Solve this linear system of two unknowns -2x+y=-1 x+3y=-3

The solution to the linear system of equations: - 2x + y = 1 - x + 3y = -3 can be found using various methods, such as substitution or elimination. Here, I'll use the substitution method. From the first equation, we can isolate y: y = 1 + 2x Now, substitute this value of y into the second equation: x + 3(1 + 2x) = -3 Simplify: x + 3 + 6x = -3 Combine like terms: 7x + 3 = -3 Subtract 3 from both sides: 7x = -6 Divide by 7: x = -6/7 Now that we have the value of x, substitute it back into the equation for y: y = 1 + 2(-6/7) y = 1 - 12/7 y = 7/7 - 12/7 y = -5/7 So, the solution to the linear system is: x = -6/7 y = -5/7
general 6 months ago 2028