MATCH THEM UP1. A polynomial with three terms.2. A monomial or the sum or difference of two or more monomials.3. A shortcut method for multiplying two binomials. It stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last.4. A number, a variable, or a product of a number and one or more variables.5. The sum of the exponents of its variables.6. The solutions to a polynomial equation.7. A polynomial with two terms.8. The degree of the monomial with the greatest degree.9. A polynomial that cannot be factored.10. Two binomials with the same terms by opposite signs.11. A polynomial with three terms that can be factored as the product of two identical binomials.12. Every term is simplified and its terms are listed by decreasing degree.OPTIONS_________ Monomial_________ Degree of a Monomial_________ Polynomial_________ Binomial_________ Trinomial_________ Degree of a Polynomial_________ Standard Form_________ FOIL_________ Conjugate Binomials_________ Perfect Square Trinomial_________ Prime Polynomial_________ Roots or Zeros of a Polynomial

see attached picture for the answers
general 6 months ago 7730