Please Help! Will give Brainliest!! 1. ______________ is process that you can do over and over, where each result does not affect the next. Ex. Flipping a coin, rolling dice, choosing a card, etc. 2. ________________ are the possible results of an experiment. Example: Heads, tails; 1, 2, 3…; Ace, King, Queen…; etc. 3. ______________is the measure of how likely an event is. 4. An ________________ event has a 0% chance of occurring Example : Rolling a 7 on a 6 sided die. 5. A ________________ event has a 100% chance of occurring. Example: Picking a red ball from a bag of only red balls. 6._______________ probability is what you expect to happen. 7.________________ probability is what actually happened. 8.The ___________ is the average value of all data in a set.

Part 1:

In probability, an experiment is any procedure that can be infinitely repeated and has a well-defined set of possible outcomes. Thus, an experiment is a process that you can do over and over, where each result does not affect the next. For example: Flipping a coin, rolling dice, choosing a card, etc. are all experiments.

Part 2.

Outcomes are the possible results of an experiment. For example: When a coin is tossed, you either get a Heads or a Tails. Thus, Head, Tail are the outcomes of tossing a coin The set of possible outcomes from an experiment is called the sample space of the experiment. 

Part 3.

Probability is the measure of how likely an event is to occur. Probability takes values between 0 and 1, where, 0 indicates impossibility and 1 indicates certainty. The higher the probability of an event, the more likely it is that the event will occur.

Part 4.

An impossible event has a 0% chance of occurring. Like stated in part 3 above, probability takes values between 0 and 1, where, 0 indicates impossibility and 1 indicates certainty. A probability of 0 implies that the occurrence of the event is impossible. For example: It is impossible to roll a 7 on a 6 sided die.

Part 5.

A certain event has a 100% chance of occurring. Like stated in part 3 above, probability takes values between 0 and 1, where, 0 indicates impossibility and 1 indicates certainty. A probability of 1 implies that the occurrence of the event is certain. For example: It is certain that a ball picked from a bag containing only red balls will be red. 

Part 6.

Theoretical probability is what you expect to happen. In theoretical probability, we do not conduct an experiment, rather we use our knowledge about a situation, some logical reasoning, and/or known formula to calculate the probability of an event happening. Theoretical probability is given by the number of favorable outcomes divided by the total number of possible outcomes.

Part 7.

Experimental probability is what actually happened. Experimental probability is when the probability of an event happening is calculated by conducting an experiment. Experimental probability is given by the numberof event occurrences divided by the number of trials.

Part 8.

The arithmetic mean is the average value of all data in a set. The arithmetic mean is a measure of central tendency calculated by adding all the data values in the data set and dividing the sum by the total number of observations.
general 6 months ago 7813