After drawing a line segment and placing the compass' point on one endpoint of the segment, what is the next step in constructing the segment's perpendicular bisector?

After drawing a line segment and placing the compass point on one endpoint of the segment. The next step in constructing the segment's perpendicular bisector is - 
* Place your compass on one end point of line segment and stretch compass more than half of the length of line segment. 
* With this length, swing a large arc that will go above and below line segment.
* Without changing the span on the compass, place the compass point on other end point of line segment and swing the arc again.The two arcs need to extended sufficiently so they will intersect in two locations. 
* Using your straightedge, connect the two points of intersection with a line or segment to locate point middle point which bisects the segment. 
And this straight line is perpendicular bisector of line segment. 
general 9 months ago 3631