PLEASE HELP, WILL GET BRAINIEST AND 99 points a question!!a. Do some research and find a city that has experienced population growth.Determine its population on January 1st of a certain year. Write anexponential function to represent the city’s population, y, based on thenumber of years that pass, x after a period of exponential growth. Describethe variables and numbers that you used in your equation.b. Find another city whose population starts larger than the city in part (a), butthat during this same time experienced population decline. Determine itspopulation for January 1st of the same year you picked for part (a). Write anexponential function to represent the city’s population, y, based on thenumber of years that pass, x after a period of population decline. Describethe variables and numbers that you used in your equation.c. Explain the similarities and differences between your equations in (a) and(b).d. During what year will the population of city (a) first exceed that of city (b)?Show all of your work and explain your steps.e. During what year will the population of city (a) be at least twice the size ofthe population of city (b)? Show all of your work and explain your steps.

A. Salem Oregon: 

B. Saginaw, Michigan: 

They both grew in the hundreds first.

It already has because the first year doubled is 102,826

general 9 months ago 9770