Mohit pays rupees 9000 as an amount on the sum of rupees 7000 that he had borrowed for 2 years.Find the rate of interest.pls answer fast I will mark u as the brainliest

Answer:The required rate of interest   =   14.285%Step-by-step explanation:Here, The principal amount = 7,000The final paid amount = 9,000Time = 2 yearsLet us assume the rate of interest = RNow, Simple Interest  =  Amount - Principal                                       =  9,000 - 7,000  = 2,000So, the SI on the given principal for 2 years  = 2,000[tex]\textrm{SIMPLE INTEREST } = \frac{P \times  R \times T}{100}\\\implies 2000 = \frac{7,000 \times  R \times 2}{100}\\\implies R = \frac{2,000 \times 100}{7,000 \times 2}  = 14.285[/tex]or, R =  14.285%Hence, the required rate of interest   =   14.285%
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