Marco is selling floral arrangements. Each arrangement uses 1 vase and 11 orchids. Each case cost Marco $4.00. Let C be the total cost of the arrangement and r be the cost of 1 orchid. Which equation should Marco use to find the total costA. 11= C + 4r B. 11C = r + 4C. C= 4r + 1 D. 11r + 4

1. The information given in the problem is:
 - Each arrangement uses 1 vase and 11 orchids.
 - Each case cost Marco $4.00.
 - C: the total cost of the arrangement.
 - r: the cost of 1 orchid.
 2. Therefore, you must multiply the cost of 1 orchid by the 11 orchids that he uses in each arrangement, and then, you must add the cost of 1 vase, as below:
 3. Finally, you can conclude that the correct answer is the last option:
general 6 months ago 7640