Julie has two formal events to go to--one for her work and one for her partner's work. She has six formal dresses--two blue ones, one black, one red, and two white. Since the same people will not be at the two events she is okay wearing the same dress. She finds the probabilty that she wears a blue and a red dress as p(blue and red) = 2 6 · 1 6 . What do you know about the two events

The two events are independent.

Since she is not concerned with wearing the same dress more than once, we are essentially selecting the dresses with replacement.  The probability further shows this; there are 2 blue dresses out of 6, and 1 red dress out of 6.  Since we use 2/6(1/6) for the probability, this means the dress was selected with replacement, so they are independent.
general 6 months ago 6266