Julia surveyed her friends to find the number of hours they spend on homework during the week. The data from her survey is displayed in the first table. She then took a random sample of five responses from the population as shown in the second table. Compare the mean of the population with the mean of the given sample. Population Data45313223573630150436Sample Data54621What is the difference between the mean of the sample and the mean of the population?

Solution:we are given with two kind of data set , one is Population data and the other is sample data.we have been asked to Compare the mean of the population with the mean of the given sample. Given Population Data
is [tex] 4
, 5
, 3
,6 [/tex]Its mean can be calculated as below[tex] Mean=\frac{4+5+3+1+3+2+2+3+5+7+3+6+3+0+1+5+0+4+3+6}{20} \\\\\Mean=\frac{66}{20}=3.3\\ [/tex]Now the Sample data is 5,4,6,2,1[tex] Mean=\frac{5+4+6+2+1}{5}\\\\Mean=\frac{18}{5}= 3.6\\ [/tex]Hence the value of difference of the Mean is [tex] =3.6-3.3=0.3 [/tex]

general 6 months ago 5838