I'll give brainliest to whoever shows their work. Plz answer fast.Jana is ordering a list of numbers from least to greatest.Which statement can be used to create her list?A) The square root of 0.8 is less than 4/5 because 0.8= 4/5 and the square root of a number less than 1 is less than the number itself.B) The square root of 7 is greater than the square root of 7^2 because the square root of 7^2=7 and the square root of a number greater than 1 is greater than the number itself.C) (The square root of 5)^2 is less than the square root of 7 because (The square root of 5)^2= 5 and the square root of 7 is between 6 and 8.D) the square root of 7 is greater than 4/5 because 4/5 is less than 1 and the square root of a number greater than 1 is greater than 1.

Lets check the validity of each one of our statements:

Statement A is false. The square root of a number less than 1 is greater than the number itself. In fact, [tex] \sqrt{ \frac{4}{5} } = \sqrt{0.8} =0.89[/tex]. Since [tex]0.89[/tex] is greater than [tex]0.8[/tex], [tex] \sqrt{0.8} [/tex] is greater than [tex] \frac{4}{5} [/tex]; therefore, statement A is false.

Statement B is false. The square root of a number greater than 1 is less than the number itself. in fact, [tex] \sqrt{7} =2.64[/tex], whereas [tex] \sqrt{7^2} =7[/tex]. Since 2.64 is less than 7, [tex] \sqrt{7} [/tex] is less than [tex] \sqrt{7^2} [/tex]; therefore statement B is false.

Statement C is false. [tex] \sqrt{7} [/tex] is actually less than 7 divided by two, so there is no way that [tex] \sqrt{7} [/tex] is between 6 and 8. In fact [tex] \sqrt{7} =2.64[/tex]. Since 5 is greater than 2.64, [tex]( \sqrt{5} )^2[/tex] is greater than [tex] \sqrt{7} [/tex]; therefore, statement C is false.

Statement D is true. [tex] \sqrt{7} =2.64[/tex]. Since 2.64 is greater than 0.8, [tex] \sqrt{7} [/tex] is greater than [tex] \frac{4}{5} [/tex].

We can conclude that Jana should use statement D to create her list; also the correct order from least to greatest is: [tex] \frac{4}{5} [/tex], [tex] \sqrt{0.8} [/tex],[tex] \sqrt{7} [/tex], [tex]( \sqrt{5} )^2[/tex], [tex] \sqrt{7^2} [/tex]
general 6 months ago 8754