Greg has an MP3 player called the Jumble. The Jumble randomly selects a song for the user to listen to. Greg's Jumble has 666 classical songs, 777 rock songs, and 999 rap songs on it. What is \text{P(not a rap song})P(not a rap song)P, left parenthesis, n, o, t, space, a, space, r, a, p, space, s, o, n, g, right parenthesis?

We have been given that Greg's Jumble has 666 classical songs, 777 rock songs, and 999 rap songs.Therefore, total number of songs are[tex]666+777+999\\ =2442[/tex]The formula for probability is given by[tex]P(E)=\frac{n(E)}{n(s)}[/tex]Let us first find the probability for rap song[tex]P(\text{rap song})= \frac{999}{2442} \\ Β P(\text{rap song})= \frac{9}{22}[/tex]\\Therefore, we have[tex]P(\text{ not rap song})=1- P(\text{rap song})\\ \\ P(\text{ not rap song})=1-\frac{9}{22} \\ \\ P(\text{ not rap song})=\frac{13}{22} =0.59[/tex]Hence, we haveP(not rap song)=0.59
general 6 months ago 9204