Hugo is 6 feet 4 inches tall, weighs 225 pounds, and very muscular. if you think hugo is more likely to be a professional football player rather than a professional ballroom dancer, you are using:

I am using an inductive argument. In logical, in this type of argument if the premises are assumed true, it is likely that the conclusion is true (though the conclusion could be false). 

An inductive argument is intended to show that its conclusion is probably or likely true, though not certainly true, if its premises all are true. The author of an inductive argument (if sincere) only aims to establish the intended conclusion with a high degree of probability although not with complete certainty.

Words such as “probably,” “likely,” and “it is reasonable to conclude” suggest that you intend your argument to show that the conclusion is probably, but not certainly, true. The statement above use the words "more likely", then this word tell us that this is, in fact, an inductive argument.

general 9 months ago 7385