Line segment AC has endpoints A (-1,-3.5) and C (5,-1). Point B is on line segment AC and is located at (0.2,-3). What is the ratio of AB/BC

The first thing you should do in this case is find the distance between the points.
 The distance between two points can be thought of as a line.
 To find the length of this line, you can use the distance formula:
 d = √ (x2 - x1) ^ 2 + (y2 - y1) ^ 2
 We have then:
 AC distance:
 AC = root ((5 - (-1)) ^ 2 + (-1 - (-3.5)) ^ 2) = 6.5 units
 AB distance:
 AB = root ((0.2 - (-1)) ^ 2 + (-3 - (-3.5)) ^ 2) = 1.3 units
 BC distance: 
 BC = 6.5-1.3 = 5.2 units
 The ratio is:
 AB / BC = (1.3) / (5.2)
general 9 months ago 1751