A shuttle leaving Earth's atmosphere travels 15 miles every 2 seconds. When entering the Earth's atmosphere, the shuttle travels 2 3/8 miles per 1/2 second. Find the difference in the distances traveled after 15 seconds when leaving and entering the atmosphere.

41 ¼ milesStep-by-step explanation:When leaving Earth's atmosphere;15 miles / 2 sec Therefore it travels 15/2 miles / secIn 15 seconds the shuttle will have traveled;15/2  miles * 15 sec = 225/2= 112 ½ miles  When entering the Earth's atmosphere;2 3/8 miles / ½ secTherefore, in one sec it travels 2 3/8 miles * 219/8 * 2 = 19/4 miles / secIn 15 seconds the shuttle will have traveled;19/4 miles  * 15 sec = 285/4= 71 ¼ milesThe difference in the distances traveled after 15 seconds when leaving and entering the atmosphere;112 ½ miles   - 71 ¼ miles= 41 ¼ milesLearn More:
general 6 months ago 8873