In 1970 there were 160 African American women in elected public office in the United States. By 1993 the number had increased to 2332. Find the average rate of change for the number of African American women who held office at any given time between 1970 & 1993

Answer:Average rate of change for the number of African American women who held office at any given time between 1970 & 1993 is   94.43.Step-by-step explanation:Here, according to the question:Number of African American women in elected public office in the United States in the year 1970 = 160Number of African American women in elected public office in the United States in the year 1993 = 2332Now, the change in the number of elected women between 1970 & 1993= Women elected in the year 1993 - Women elected in the year 1970=  2332 -  160  = 2,172or, the change in the number of elected women candidates between 1970 & 1993 is 2,172 Now, the difference in the time period is 1993 - 1970 =  23 yearsSo,[tex]\textrm{  The Average Rate of Change}  = \frac{\textrm{The total change in the quantity}}{\textrm{Time Interval}}[/tex]=[tex]\frac{2,172}{23}  = 94.43[/tex]Hence, the average rate of change for the number of African American women who held office at any given time between 1970 & 1993 is 94.43.
general 5 months ago 1680