A music store sold a total of 27 used trumpets and clarinets in one month. Trumpets cost $149 and clarinets cost $99. If total sales were $3223, how many clarinets did they sell?

Answer: 16


1) Use letters to identify the variables:

Number of trumpets: t
Number of clarinets: c

2) Translate each statement into algebraic (mathematical) language.

2.1) Sold a total of 27 used trumpets and clarinets

=> t + c = 27

2.2) Trumpets cost $149 and clarinets cost $99

Total cost of the trumpets: 149t
Total cost of clarinets: 99c

Total cost = 149t + 99c

2.3) Total sales were $3223

=> 149t + 99c = 3223.

3) State the system of equations:

Equation (1) t + c = 27
Equation (2) 149t + 99c = 3223

4) Solve the system of equations:

4.1) Multiply equation 1 by 149:

=> 149t + 149c = 4023

4.2) Subtract the equation (2) from the equation obtained in 4.1

=> 149c - 99c = 4023 - 3223

=> 50c = 800

=> c = 800 / 50 = 16

5) Verify the solution:

From equation (1) t = 27 - 16 = 11

Total cost = 149*11 + 99*16 = 3223

Now you have a verified answer: they sold 16 clarinets
general 6 months ago 8617