Match each economic term with its description. Tiles There are no barriers to entry in the market. There is a single seller in the market. Three companies secretly enter into a price agreement. Every company in this market structure is aware of the actions of the other companies. Pairs monopoly arrowBoth oligopoly arrowBoth perfect competition arrowBoth collusion arrowBoth \",[{""content"":""<p><span>Each economic term is matched with its appropriate description as follows:<\/span><\/p>\n\n<p><span><strong>OLIGOPOLY<\/strong> ||\u00a0\u00a0There\nare no barriers to entry in the market. <\/span><\/p>\n\n<p><span><strong>MONOPOLY<\/strong> ||\u00a0\u00a0There is a single seller in the market. <\/span><\/p>\n\n<p><span><strong>COLLUSION<\/strong> ||\u00a0\u00a0Three companies secretly enter into a\nprice agreement. <\/span><\/p>\n\n<p><span><strong>PERFECT COMPETITION<\/strong> ||\u00a0\u00a0Every company in this market structure is\naware of the actions of the other companies. <\/span><\/p>""}


There are no barriers to entry in the market is the match of - Oligopoly (The market is shared by many sellers )<\/p>

There is a single seller in the market is the match of - Monopoly<\/p>

Three companies secretly enter into a price agreement is the match for - Collusion<\/p>

Every company in this market structure is aware of the actions of the other companies is the match for Perfect Competition.<\/p>""}]"

general 6 months ago 3943