5. Obtén los productos. a 2x2-3x3+2x2-6x+4 b -x2y2x4-y4+z2-x2y2+y2z2 c -a6+3a5-2a4+3a2+7a-6-2a2 d 16/3 ab2 9/8 a2- 6/5 b2+ 3/8 ab- 3/2 c e 0,6s2t2 5/2 st- 1/6 s-4+ 15/2 t-6 f square root of 2ax-1 square root of 3ax+2-2 square root of 2a-x-1- square root of 2ax+1

5. Obtén los productos. a 2x2-3x3+2x2-6x+4 b -x2y2x4-y4+z2-x2y2+y2z2 c -a6+3a5-2a4+3a2+7a-6-2a2 d 16/3 ab2 9/8 a2- 6/5 b2+ 3/8 ab- 3/2 c e 0,6s2t2 5/2 st- 1/6 s-4+ 15/2 t-6 f square root of 2ax-1 square root of 3ax+2-2 square root of 2a-x-1- square root of 2ax+1
(1) - 6 x^{5} + 4 x^{4} - 12 x^{3} + 8 x^{2}(2) (x y^{3} + x y z) (x y^{3} - x y z) - x^{6} y^{2} + x^{4} y^{4} - x^{2} y^{4} z^{2}(3) 2 a^{8} - 6 a^{7} + 4 a^{6} - 6 a^{4} - 14 a^{3} + 12 a^{2}(4) \dfrac{30 a^{3} b^{2} - 32 a b^{4} + 10 a^{2} b^{3} - 40 a b^{2} c}{5}(5) \dfrac{30 a^{3} b^{2} - 32 a b^{4} + 10 a^{2} b^{3} - 40 a b^{2} c}{5}(6) \dfrac{15 s^{5} t^{7} - t^{6} + 45 s^{4}}{10 s^{2} t^{4}}(7) \dfrac{6^{\frac{1}{2}} \cdot a^{3 + 2 x} - 4 - 2 a^{2 + 2 x}}{a^{2}}
algebra 6 months ago 6827