Which statement best describes the function ht=210-15t 2 h is the function name; ht is the input, or independent variable; and t is the output, or dependent variable. h is the function name; t is the input, or independent variable; and ht is the output, or dependent variable. t is the function name; ht is the input, or independent variable; and h is the output, or dependent variable. t is the function name; h is the input, or independent variable; and ht is the output, or dependent variable.

Which statement best describes the function ht=210-15t 2 h is the function name; ht is the input, or independent variable; and t is the output, or dependent variable. h is the function name; t is the input, or independent variable; and ht is the output, or dependent variable. t is the function name; ht is the input, or independent variable; and h is the output, or dependent variable. t is the function name; h is the input, or independent variable; and ht is the output, or dependent variable.
Write properties of function: x intercept/zero: t = 14y intercept: y = 210domain: (-\infty, \infty)type of function: linear functionrange: (-\infty, \infty)increasing interval: nodecreasing interval: (-\infty, \infty)slope: -15even/odd/neither: neitherorder/degree: 1leading term: - 15 xleading coefficient: -15constant term: 210graph: https://p16-ehi-va.gauthmath.com/tos-maliva-i-ejcjvp0zxf-us/d09189034d5b4854a8cf76aa340d4cac~tplv-ejcjvp0zxf-scale:3363:875.image
algebra 6 months ago 3918