Zach keeps his pet chameleon Pinky in a terrarium with the dimensions shown below. There are 3 inches of sand in the bottom of the terrarium.Zach gets a new terrarium for Pinky that is larger. The base of the new terrarium is 10 by 24 inches. Zach moved the existing sand to the new terrarium.How deep will the sand be in the new terrarium?

the correct question is
Zach keeps his pet chameleon Pinky in a terrarium with the dimensions 8 x 20. There are three inches of sand in the bottom of the terrarium. Zach gets a new terrarium that is larger. The base of the new terrarium is 10 x 24 inches. Zach moved the existing sand to the new terrarium. How deep will the sand be in the new terrarium?

Step 1
find the volume of sand
volume of sand=8*20*3------------>Volume of sand=480 in³

Volume of sand in the new terrarium=10*24*h
where h------------> is the deep in the new terrarium
remember that the volume of sand is the same
10*24*h=480----------> h=480/(10*24)-----------> h=2 in

the answer is 2 in
general 6 months ago 1191