Which set of numbers has 270 as its least common multiple?A)30,90,390B)18,30,54C)25,125,120D)2,9,15Help PLz

we know that
The least common multiple is the smallest positive number that is a multiple of two or more numbers

case A)30,90,390
30-------> 2.3*5
90------> 2*3²*5
390---> 2*3*5*13
the LCM is----> 2*3²*5*13----> 1170

case B)18,30,54
18----> 2*3²
30----> 2*3*5
54----> 2*3³
the LCM is -----> 2*3³*5----> 270

case C)25,125,120
25----> 5²
125---> 5³
120---> 2³*3*5
the LCM is----> 5³*2²*3----> 1500

case D)2,9,15
2----> 2
9----> 3²
15---> 3*5
the LCM is ----> 2*3²*5----> 90

the answer is the option

general 9 months ago 7277