Which of the following describes the polynomial function?

Answer: the function has an odd degree.


1) The leading coefficient is the coefficient of the leading term. The leading term is the the term with the highest degree.

The leading term is dominant when x grows. So, for x β†’ infinity the value of a polynomial trends toward infinity if the leading coefficient is positive and toward negative infinity if the leading coefficient is negative.

The graph shows that the function goes to infinity as x grows, so the leading coefficient is positive, which discards the first choice (that the function has a negative leading coefficient).

2) It is right that the polynomial has an odd degree.

The degree of a polynomial is the highest degree of its individual terms.

Odd-degree polynomials have ends that head off in opposite directions, while the ends of even-degree polynomilas come in and leave out the same quadrant.

It is easy to remember is you think that even-degree polynomials behave, on their ends, like quadratics, and all odd-degree polynomials behave, on their ends, like cubics.
3) The other statements are easy to discard: there are two turns on the graph and the function has 3 x-intercepts.

general 6 months ago 1859