which of the following appear in the diagram below?? check all that apply

Check all options:A. The notion [tex]\overleftrightarrow{YX}[/tex] represents the line YX. As you can see the line YX is present in the diagram.B. Start with point Z, go to the point X and then to the point Y. You path is along ∠ZXY sides, this means that you can see ∠ZXY on the picture.C. The notion [tex]\overrightarrow{ZX}[/tex] represents the ray ZX. On the picture is given segment ZX, not ray, then this option is false.D. To form the ∠XYZ you have to connect points Z and Y. Without this connection ∠XYZ cannot be seen. This option is false.Answer: True options are A and B.
general 6 months ago 4709