Which monomial function has a maximum value?(Can anyone explain how you can tell?)y=-6x^3y=-5x^4y=5x^6y=6x^5,

To determine which of the following monomial function has a maximum value, you have to assume the value of x. Let us say the value of x is 2. Substitute 2 for all x’s in the monomial function. y=-6x^3 = -6(2)^3 = -48
y=-5x^4 = -5(2)^4 = -80
y=5x^6 = 5(2)^6 = 320
y=6x^5 = 6(2)^5 = 192 Therefore, the monomial function with the maximum value is y = 5x^6 Β 
general 6 months ago 1298