use the graph for all 3 question1) Henry, a 41-year-old male, bought a $100,000, 10-year life insurance policy through his employer. Henry is paid biweekly. what is his annual life insurance premium?A)$455B)$578C)$1033D)$13682) Karen, a 52-year-old female, bought a $75,000, 20-year life insurance policy though her employer. Karen is paid weekly. How much is deducted from her paycheck for life insurance?A)$10.86B)$25.33C)$35.12D)$50.653) Nikos, a 39-year-old male, bought a $300,000, 20-year life insurance policy.What is the total amount he will pay for 20 year of coverage? A)$13,650B)$27,300C)$30,990D)$61,980

Just took this quiz so here are the right answers:
1.) Henry- $578
2.) Karen- $25.33
3.) Nikos- $61,980
Hope it helps!(:
general 6 months ago 9409