The quotient of x and 7 is equal to 13. Define variable and then write an expression to model the situation

The value of 'x' is 91 when the quotient of x and 7 is equal to 13 and this can be determined by using the arithmetic operations.Given :The quotient of x and 7 is equal to 13.The following steps can be used to determine the value of 'x' when the quotient of x and 7 is equal to 13:Step 1 - Divide x by 7.[tex]=\dfrac{x}{7}[/tex]Step 2 - Equate the above expression to 13.[tex]13=\dfrac{x}{7}[/tex]Step 3 - Multiplication of 7 with 13 is carried out in the above expression.[tex]x= 7\times 13[/tex]Step 4 - Further simplify the above expression to determine the value of x.x = 91For more information, refer to the link given below:
general 6 months ago 6379