The population in a small city increased from 1250 people to 2780 people. What is the percent of increase in the number of people? Round to the nearest percentA)45%B)122%C)55%D)153%​

Answer: Choice B) 122%==========================================Work Shown:A = 1250 is the initial amountB = 2780 is the new amountC = percent change = unknown for nowThe formula to use isC = [ (B-A)/A ] * 100to calculate the percent change. Basically we calculate the change (B-A) first and then divide that over the original amount A to compute the decimal form of the answer, which is then converted over to percentage form. The "100" tacked on at the end is what converts from decimal to percent form.---------C = [ (B-A)/A ] * 100C = [ (2780 - 1250)/1250 ] * 100C = (1530/1250)*100C = 1.224 * 100C = 122.4%C = 122%---------The positive C value indicates we have a percent increase. If C were negative, then we'd have a percent decrease.
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