The number of camera phones shipped globally can be modeled by the function y=1.28e^1.31x where x is the number of years since 1997 and years since 1997 and y is the number of camera phones shipped in millions. how many camera phones were shipped in 2014

The first thing you should know for this case is how many years there are from 1997 to 2014.
 The number of years is:
 x = 2014-1997 = 17
 Then, you must replace this value in the given equation:
 y = 1.28e ^ 1.31x
 y = 1.28 * e ^ (1.31 * (17))
 y = 6011018736
 the number of camera phones shipped in millions in 2014 is
 y = 6011018736
general 9 months ago 9540