The next stop on the road trip is the zoo! jacob goes to find his favorite animal, the giraffe. jacob wonders how tall the tallest giraffe at the zoo is. if jacob is 5 feet 6 inches and his shadow at the time is 3 feet long, find the height of the giraffe whose shadow is 5 feet 9 inches at the same time.

1 foot = 12 inches
Height of Jacob = 5 feet 6 inches = 5 *12 + 6 = 66 inches
Jacob's shadow = 3 feet = 36 inches

giraffe's shadow = 5 feet 9 inches = 5 * 12 + 9 = 69 inches

by the ratio and proportion

∴ Height of Jacob/Jacob's shadow = Height of giraffe/giraffe's shadow

∴ 66/36 = Height of giraffe/69

∴ Height of giraffe = 69 * 66/36 = 126.5 inches = 10 feet 6.5 inches
general 6 months ago 4639