Ria is an Indian student who was admitted to a US university. Her annual tuition is $42,000. She has to pay her tuition fees in US dollars. She needs to calculate how many Indian rupees she will need to buy one dollar. The dollar to rupee exchange rate is 63.76 and rupee to dollar exchange rate is 0.015. How many Indian rupees will Ria need to buy one dollar?50.00 rupees56.00 rupees63.76 rupees76.63 rupees

1$ = 63.76 rupees (dollar to rupee exchange)
1 rupee = 0.015$ (rupee to dollar exchange)
To buy one dollar, Ria will need 63.76$
Answer: (c)

Now, Ria's annual fees is $42,000. To know how much this is in dollars, use cross multiplication as follows:
tuition fees = (42,000*63.76) / (1) =  2,677,920 rupees
general 6 months ago 6184