REALLY NEED HELP WILL GIVE BRAINIEST A district manager rewards sales teams based on overall sales generated in a month. The data for earnings are shown in the table, where Low represents the lowest sales and High represents the highest sales generated by a single sales team member.Team Low High Range Mean Median IQR σTeam X 275 2780 2505 1440.6 1432 837.7 716.8Team Y 925 1850 925 1376.3 1371 443.3 259.8Team Z 2250 3900 1650 3006.3 2943 542 505.9Part A: If the manager wants to award the sales team that has the most consistent earnings among its team members, which team should it choose and why? Justify your answer mathematically. (5 points)Part B: If the manager wants to award the sales team with the highest average earnings, which team should it choose and why? Justify your answer mathematically. (5 points)what i think part a is >>Part A: i pick team Y because it has the most consistent earnings. i say this because if you look a

A:He should choose team Y because they have a Median, Low and High that are close in value and they have the lowest inter quartile range, IQR

B: He should choose team Z because they have the highest Mean, meaning that they have the highest average and the highest scores.

general 6 months ago 9877