PLEASE HELP ME WITH THESE QUESTIONS!!1. What is the solution of the system? 4x−y=−38 x+y=32. What is the solution of the system?−3x+9y=36 4x+12y=243. What is the solution of the system of equations? 7/2x−1/2y=9/2 3x−y=5

Answer:3. [1, −2]2. [−3, 3]1. [−7, 10]Step-by-step explanation:3.{7⁄2x - ½y = 9⁄2{3x - y = 5-6⁄7[7⁄2x - ½y = 9⁄2]{−3x + 3⁄7y = −3 6⁄7 >> New Equation{3x - y = 5_________________-4⁄7y = 1 1⁄7-2 = y [Plug this back into both equations above to get the x-coordinate of 1]; 1 = x__________________________________________________________2.{−3x + 9y = 36{4x + 12y = 24¾[4x + 12y = 24]{−3x + 9y = 36{3x + 9y = 18______________18y = 54___ ___18 18y = 3 [Plug this back into both equations above to get the x-coordinate of −3]; −3 = x__________________________________________________________1.{4x − y = −38{x + y = 3_____________5x = -35___ ____ 5 5x = -7 [Plug this back into both equations above to get the y-coordinate of 10]; 10 = yI am joyous to assist you anytime.
general 9 months ago 6531