Please Help!Khalid has a game board as shown below, which is a square with 20-cm sides. The area of the largest circle is 320 square centimeters.What is the probability of scoring 1, 3, or 5 points with one randomly thrown dart?A. 1/2B. 5/8C. 3/4D. 4/5

Answer:Option D. 4/5Step-by-step explanation:we know thatThe probability of scoring 1, 3, or 5 points with one randomly thrown dart is equal to divide the area of the largest circle by the area of the square game boardstep 1Find the area of the square game board [tex]A=b^{2}[/tex]we have[tex]b=20\ cm[/tex]substitute[tex]A=20^{2}[/tex][tex]A=400\ cm^{2}[/tex]step 2Find the probability[tex]P=320/400[/tex][tex]P=0.8=8/10=4/5[/tex]
general 6 months ago 1040