one gram of fat contains 180% of the calories of a gram of a carbohydrate. How many more calories are there in 8 grams of fat than there are in 8 grams of carbohydrate?

Answer:There will be 6.4 more calories of fat than calories of carbohydrateStep-by-step explanation:1 gram of fat = 180% of calories of 1 gram of carbohydrateWhich simple implies that1 gram of fat = 180 /100 of calories of 1 gram of carbohydrate1 gram of fat = 1.8 calories while 1 gram of carbohydrate = 1 caloriesTherefore 8 gram of fat = (1.8 x 8) calories while 8 gram of carbohydrate = 8 calories8 gram of fat = 14.4 of calories while 8 gram of carbohydrate = 8 caloriesTherefore there will be (14.4 - 8) more calories of fat than calories of carbohydrate= 6.4 more calories of fat.
general 6 months ago 7467