Mrs. Williams is deciding between two field trips for her class. The Science Center charges $80 plus $5 per student. The Dino Discovery Museum simply charges $7 per student. For how many students will the Science Center charge less than the Dino Discovery Museum charges?fewer than 40 students78 or fewer students78 or more studentsmore than 40 studentsHELP!!

Answer: More than 40 studentsStep-by-step explanation:Let x be the number of students .Given : Mrs. Williams is deciding between two field trips for her class. The Science Center charges $80 plus $5 per student.i.e. Total cost : 80+5x       (1)The Dino Discovery Museum simply charges $7 per student.i.e. Total cost : 7x              (2)The inequality that shows Science Center charge less than the Dino Discovery Museum charges will be :-80+5x<7Subtract 5x on both sides , we get80<2xDivide both sides by 2 , we get40<xHence, for more than 40 students the Science Center charge will less than the Dino Discovery Museum charges.Answer by: JeanaShupp
general 6 months ago 9247