Mike hiked to a lake in 6.5 hours at an average rate of 3 2/5 miles per hour. Pedro hiked the same distance at a rate of 3 4/5 miles per hour. How long did it take Pedro to reach the lake? Round to the hundredths place.

We first need to find the distance.
The information about Mike will provide the distance we need to answer the question about Pedro.

We will use D = rt


(6.5)((17/5) = D

22.1 miles = D


D = rt

22.1 = (19/5)t

We need to find t.

22.1 Γ· 3.8 = t

5.8157894737 = t

We now round off as instructed.

5.82 = t

It took Pedro 5.82 hours to reach the lake.
general 6 months ago 3936