Jorge needs reduce his expense by 35% If he currently spends q dollars a month Write an expression for how much he will be spending once he reduces his expenses

Answer:The expression for the amount which Jorge spending after he reduce his expenses is 0.65 qStep-by-step explanation:Given as :The current expenses of Jorge = $ q per monthThe Jorge needs to reduce his expenses by  35 %Let The spending amount of Jorge after reduction in expenses = xSo, According to questionThe value of Jorge expenses after reduction = The current expenses × [tex](1-\dfrac{\textrm rate}{100})^{time}[/tex] where time in monthOr, x = $q  × [tex](1-\dfrac{\textrm 35}{100})^{1}[/tex] Or, x = $q  × (0.65)So, The expression which define the condition is  x = 0.65 qHence The expression for the amount which Jorge spending after he reduce his expenses is  0.65 q  Answer
general 5 months ago 8584