Jessie estimated the weight of his cat to be 12 pounds. The actual weight of the cat is 15 pounds.What is the percent error?Round your answer to the nearest whole percent.

Answer:20%Step-by-step explanation:% of error is given by the following formula: % Error = [tex]\frac{|\textrm {Approx Value  - Exact Value}|}{\textrm {Exact Value}} \times 100[/tex] Now, Jessie estimated the weight of his cat to be 12 pounds i.e. Approximate value is 12 pounds. Again, The actual weight of the cat is 15 pounds i.e. the exact value is 15 pounds. Therefore, the % error = [tex]\frac{|12 - 15|}{15} \times 100 = \frac{3}{15} \times 100 = 20[/tex]% (Answer)
general 5 months ago 9166